You’re being watched
Published 12:35 pm Sunday, February 11, 2024
- PHOTO BY BRAD CAMPBELL A watchful squirrel.
Hi, all! Just a thought to help start your weekend.
I had a really strange feeling that I was being watched. It wasn’t a scary kind of feeling, but I definitely knew something was there. So I looked out the window, and sure enough. There he stood.
He was staring directly at me. Both of those beady eyes were fixated on mine. His posture was stiff, as if he hadn’t wanted to be detected. He remained motionless for a brief moment or two, apparently surveying the situation and weighing his options. It was as if he knew he had been discovered, and he was unsure of whether to run or just ignore the situation.
It sounds like a crazy lead into a Friday night movie, but I assure you it was real. From what I could see, he was fuzzy and gray. He was purposefully trying to stand taller than he actually was, perhaps to ward off any danger, or perhaps even to impress the one who had suddenly seen him there staring into the occupied house.
That very brief moment or two seemed much longer to both of us. I’m quite sure the creature, because of his nature, knew exactly what a nut was. And here he stood — staring at the biggest one he had ever seen — a much taller, but also gray-haired, “nut” staring right back at him!
The encounter ended as quickly as it had begun, and each of us scurried off to some other task. So, what could have possibly been the purpose behind that mid-morning meeting? Could either the little guy or I have been meant to learn something from the other?
I submit this to the reader. You’ve read this craziness without pause. You’ve taken it all in. You’ve pictured both of us in your mind’s eye, and you’ve snickered at the ridiculousness of it all.
I hope and pray that as you read the Word of God in the week ahead, you do so without pause. You take it all in. You picture it in your mind’s eye, and you see the ridiculousness of a forgiving, all-knowing God Who watches your every move simply because He loves you! It makes no sense, but it’s true! I can’t explain it. I simply trust that He is Who He says He is, and that He cares enough to love even a “nut” like me!
Feel like you’re being watched? Good! You are! And He loves the one He sees!
Just a thought. ’Til later.
Brad Campbell can be reached at