Wide-eyed watchfulness

Published 3:00 pm Sunday, April 7, 2024

Hi, all! Just a thought to help start your weekend.

Critters, creatures, and bug-eyed fish. No, I’m not describing the crowd at your recent family reunion or church gathering. I’m talking about some of what I saw on a recent visit to the Sea Life aquarium in downtown San Antonio, Texas. For the duration of my self-guided tour, I wandered around, looking at many of these animals that call the water their home, from sharks to sea horses.

And then, there were other things I could not identify by name. Take for instance the fish in my picture. They were just two of the many creatures I witnessed inside a very large tank filled with so many of God’s critters. But these two seemed different.

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First of all, they don’t look like any fish I’ve seen before. By the looks on their faces, they seem to have some real personality about them. As they swam around in their large water-filled home, they seemed to be looking at everything. As they swam near the glass wall where I stood, they seemed to be watching my every move.

They stared, wide-eyed with mouths hanging open, not exactly sure what they were seeing either. Was I really watching them, amazed at their strangeness, or were they watching me for the same reason?

As a Christian, I attempt to walk the paths of my days looking for Jesus. I try to find Him in the people and places around me. I look for Him in what I read, the shows I watch, and the experiences I have. But, because I’m a faulty human being, I miss Him so many times, simply because I’m not really paying attention to what I’m seeing. I see the beggar on the street, but do I really SEE him and the life that God created? I see the goodness of friends, but am I really SEEing God through them, or just giving those folks the credit for their own good deeds? It’s the “can’t see the trees for the forest” mentality.

Thankfully, on the other side, my God, my Father, my Protector and Deliver is always watching me. He’s always looking out for me. He’s always checking on His children. I believe that some days our lives probably make His eyes bug out and His mouth drop open, but He never stops watching.

Was I watching the fish as intently as were they watching me? The Lord watches me much more intently than I could ever truly watch Him. And I’m so very thankful to be in this aquarium called life where my Maker and Master is ever watching over me. Are you?

Just a thought. ’Til later.

Brad Campbell can be reached at mastah.pastah@yahoo.com.