Basic instructions

Published 9:00 am Sunday, April 21, 2024

“Pour it in dat drawah,” Patty said as she pointed toward the top of the washer. I still remember the time when our 3-year-old granddaughter was helping me wash a load of clothes during a weekend we were on duty to keep our grands. Her instructions were plain enough, but I couldn’t see the opening for the detergent. “Pull it out, Mama C.”

With a slight tug, the drawer opened and the riddle was solved. Next she showed me the hamper for clean laundry and how we had to fold those to empty for the next load. I smiled in amusement at the petite helper giving me instructions in the laundry room.

Why was the laundry task so easy for a preschooler? She had been given instructions and was simply following them. I’m convinced we underestimate our young children’s ability to learn.

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It seems a vast majority of people need instructions on how to treat others and live as law-abiding citizens. Evil is not new to our society and neither is how we should live.

God summed up rules for blessed living in ten very basic commandments. I’ve been one of those “ranters” against liberals removing the sacred Ten from our public buildings. I was wrong.  I should have been praying that God’s children would write them on their hearts and minds, teach them to their offspring and thereby change society by being salt and light.

I’ve been spending time studying the “Basic Ten” and find them just that — so basic:

1) NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME — why? He is the only true God. With that settled, we’re on a sure foundation.

2) NO IDOLS — No, I don’t have a garden statue that’s sacred, but my time and checkbook are signs that could point to other idols in my life.

3) DON’T MISUSE GOD’S NAME —  If I’m not talking to Him or about Him, His hallowed name has no place in my slang vocabulary.

4) KEEP THE SABBATH DAY HOLY — It’s amazing that when I use Sunday as a day of worship and rest, I’m ready to take on Mondays.

5) HONOR YOUR PARENTS — They may or may not deserve it, but it’s God’s rule, not ours. And do it while you can; we all have expiration dates.

6) DON’T MURDER — Before you breathe a sigh of relief for obeying this, recall the last time you were angry with someone.  Jesus reminded me that obeying covers the “interior” too. We can murder in our hearts — and in mothers’ wombs.

7) NO ADULTERY — The marriage relationship between one man and one woman is the most sacred relationship that exists between human beings. It should be treated as such.

8) NO STEALING — Statistics show that the biggest stealers in America are employees from their employers.

9) NO FALSE WITNESS — That means little, big, white, or black lies. God hates them all. I’ve promised God I would never lie to another telemarketer with a “She’s not here”!!

10) NO COVETING YOUR NEIGHBOR’S ANYTHING — The New Testament Timothy addressed a solution — “Godliness with contentment is great gain.”

Now who would deny that God’s laws aren’t basic? Just imagine how the direction of our next generation could be channeled if they all knew the rules — that following those rules meant blessing, but disobeying them would bring punishment. And eventually the law would lead them to Jesus — its purpose in everyone’s life.  

Letters to Camille Anding may be sent to P.O. Box 551, Brookhaven, MS 39602.