Local businesses move around

Published 1:00 pm Friday, May 3, 2024

BROOKHAVEN — Local businesses Davis & Company Salon and Mason and Magnolia played musical chairs this month. 

Davis & Company Salon moved to 208 US51 in Brookhaven earlier in April. Shortly afterwards, Mason and Magnolia started its move to the space at 123 West Monticello Street which was previously occupied by Davis & Company Salon.

Sabrina Wolff stated in the Company’s Facebook post they were officially open for business at the new location this Thursday. 

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Wolff said they had always dreamed of ownership in Brookhaven and the location on Monticello Street came around at the perfect time. Thursday afternoon, the team was worn out from moving offices over the past 48 hours. She said the main difference between the two spots is they have full ownership of the 123 Monticello Street building. 

“Ownership was the goal and we had the chance to own this space. We are now finally home. This was our dream for quite some time,” Wolff said. “It has been a quick move.”

People might have noticed a vibrant blue painting on the entryway to the real estate office’s courtyard at 123 Monticello Street. The inside of the building has been repainted and will continue to be decorated in the coming months. 

Local artist Saul Maurer was hired to paint a new mural in the courtyard. He was set to start Thursday but weather threw a wrench in those plans. Wolff said Maurer will likely work on the project next week. 

“We felt it needed a pop of color. We are hanging some lights in the courtyard. We have redone the flower beds and planted daisy gardenias and they are like little magnolias,” Wolff said. “We will have music playing on the inside and outside. We want to invite people to come in and visit.”