Unofficial ward-by-ward July 8, 2014 city election results
July 8, 2014, 2 percent lodging tax election
Ward One
For The 2% Tax: 6
Against The 2% Tax: 14
Ward Two
For The 2% Tax: 17
Against The 2% Tax: 4
Ward Three
For The 2% Tax: 21
Against The 2% Tax: 17
Ward Four
For The 2% Tax: 132
Against The 2% Tax: 35
Ward Five
For The 2% Tax: 44
Against The 2% Tax: 11
Ward Six
For The 2% Tax: 30
Against The 2% Tax: 11
For The 2% Tax: 250
Against The 2% Tax: 92
Total Votes Cast: 342*
*Not including affidavit ballots