Friday the 2nd’s Obituaries
Published 6:00 am Friday, March 2, 2001
Beatrice Alfreda Taylor
Services for Beatrice Alfreda Taylor of Brookhaven are 11 a.m.,Saturday, March 3, at Williams Mortuary Chapel with burial inCarver Heights Cemetery.
Visitation is Friday from noon until 7 p.m. with family hourfrom 6-7 p.m. at Williams Mortuary.
Mrs. Taylor, 81, died Feb. 27, 2001, at her residence. She wasborn in Lincoln County on Dec. 19, 1919, to Frank Taylor and MaggieRichardson Taylor.
She was a homemaker.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her brother, Johnny F.Taylor; her sister, Ludie M. Coughlin; her son, Sam Rufus III; andher daughter, Beatrice Taylor.
Survivors are her daughters, Barbara Chisolm of Santa Rosa,Calif., Maggie Brooks of Jackson, Bettye Renfro of Gulfport, andPatricia Brown, Audrey Wilson, and Luatrice Taylor, all ofBrookhaven; her sons, Willie Chisolm of Milwaukee, Wis., GlennRufus of Brookhaven, Michael Taylor of Natchez, and Harry Taylor ofGulfport; and 25 grandchildren.
Ray K. DeLaughter
Services for Ray K. DeLaughter of Brookhaven are 330 p.m.,Sunday, March 4, at Wellman Baptist Church with burial in thechurch cemetery.
Visitation is Saturday from 3-9 p.m. at Brookhaven FuneralHome.
Mr. DeLaughter, 87, died March 1, 2001, at King’s DaughtersMedical Center. He was born in Brookhaven on Oct. 7, 1913, to WillDeLaughter and Ozzie Kelly DeLaughter.
He was a retired boilermaker. He was a member of BoilermakersLocal 582. He was a Mason. He was a member of the Church of Christand attended Wellman Baptist Church.
Preceding him in death were his parents.
Survivors are his wife, Flora Lee DeLaughter of Brookhaven; hissons, Bobby Ray DeLaughter and wife Connie of Brookhaven, and J.Larry DeLaughter and wife Marian of Natchez; his brother, H. M.DeLaughter of San Antonio, Texas; his sisters, Marguerite Terrilland Alma Maddox, both of Natchez; his grandchildren, RussDeLaughter, Amy DeLaughter, Nicki DeLaughter, Eric Fries and CindyDeLaughter; and six great-grandchildren.
Audrey L. Hooks
Services for Audrey L. Hooks of Brookhaven are 3 p.m., Monday,March 5, at Macedonia M. B. Church with burial in the churchcemetery.
Visitation is Sunday from noon until 6 p.m. with family hourfrom 6-7 p.m. at Williams Mortuary.
Mrs. Hooks, 49, died Feb. 25, 2001, at King’s Daughters MedicalCenter. She was born in Lincoln County on Sept. 1, 1951, to J. E.Adams and Elizabeth Chatman. She was a 1970 graduate of AlexanderHigh School, and graduated from Utica Junior College with a degreein cosmetology.
She was disabled. She was a member of Macedonia M. B.Church.
Preceding her in death were her father; and her brothers, R. J.Kelly, E. D. Adams, and James Merchant.
Survivors are her husband, Willie Dell Hooks of Brookhaven; hermother, Elizabeth Chatman of Brookhaven; her daughters, AslayanAdams, Pasch Hooks, and Lavasia Hooks, all of Brookhaven; herbrothers, Harry Adams and Ivy Lee Adams, both of Brookhaven, andRobert Merchant of Jackson; her sisters, Johnnie Mae Lloyd, AnniePearl Stuart, Mary Alice Conley, Mattie Adams, and JeannieWashington, all of Brookhaven, and Peggy Walker of White Castle,Pa.; and four grandchildren.
Nevon McGehee
Services for Nevon McGehee of Brookhaven are 2 p.m., Sunday,March 4, at Brookhaven Funeral Home Chapel with burial in Rose HillCemetery.
Visitation is Saturday from 5-8 p.m. at Brookhaven FuneralHome.
Mrs. McGehee, 77, died March 1, 2001, at her residence. She wasborn in Brookhaven on Jan. 30, 1924, to H. Pink Smith and GlydisBrister Smith.
She was retired from Chevron Oil Company with 38 years service.She was a member of Order of Eastern Star, the Chevron RetireesAssociation, and Chole Hart Chapter of the DAR. She was a member ofBogue Chitto Baptist Church.
Preceding her in death were her parents.
Survivors are her daughter, Jan Luter of Annandale, Va.; hersister, Mary Lou Hart of Bogue Chitto; her grandchild, MatthewLuter of Annandale, Va.; and two nieces and one nephew.
Memorials may be made to Hospice Ministries of Brookhaven or toSt. Jude’s.