Attractions, entertainment sought for tours
Published 6:00 am Friday, March 23, 2001
The Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce TourismCommittee is looking for some unique and interesting attractions tooccupy visitors’ time when they come to town.
The committee hopes to develop some tour packages anditineraries for visitors who call and inquire about the communityand its attractions. Plans for one-to-two hour sojourns, half-dayvisits and overnight stays are being sought.
“You need to have three or four different types of tours inline,” said Chandler Russ, chamber executive vice-president.
Carol Holland-Burgess said the committee wants to hear frompeople who have interesting collections or talents and would bewilling to display or perform for visitors. Antiques shops, potteryor quilt displays and musical talent were some of the examplesmentioned during a planning meeting Thursday.
“It could be really anything,” Holland-Burgess said. “We wantthem to have something to do while they’re here.”
Citizens interested in helping were encouraged to contact thechamber of commerce.
Committee members Thursday also discussed including the city’shistoric buildings, restaurants and historic churches in tourpackages.
“Churches are the most beautiful buildings in the world,” saidPatsy Warren, committee member.
Also in the works is developing consistent signage to directvisitors along the city’s walking or driving tours.
Committee members indicated having tour packages would betterhelp state tourism officials promote the city as a destination.
Further working to promote the community is the chamber’s newwebsite Russ said the site is getting closeto 1,000 hits a day.
“It’s gotten higher than that, but it averages 900 to 1,000,”Russ said.