Wilson wins Ward Three vote
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, February 18, 2004
A Wilson will continue to represent Ward Three on the BrookhavenBoard of Aldermen.
Mrs. Jerry L. Wilson defeated businessman George Faust in arunoff Tuesday for the position that was left vacant when herhusband took office as Lincoln County District One supervisor inJanuary. The total was 171 for Wilson and 151 for Faust, accordingto complete but unofficial totals.
“Again, I just thank the Lord and the people of Ward Three forcoming out and voting for me,” Mrs. Wilson said after vote-countingended around 7:30 Tuesday night.
Wilson said she is looking forward to representing the peopleand taking their issues and concerns to the board. She will besworn into office before the next city board meeting on March2.
Faust said he was still digesting race results and what it takesto be victorious in an alderman race. He said he thought hisbusiness background made him uniquely qualified for theposition.
“I put out my best effort,” Faust said.
The 322 votes cast Tuesday represented a 26.1 percent turnoutamong Ward Three’s 1,233 registered voters. Last week, there was a21 percent turnout for a four-candidate field in the first round ofthe special election.
“The turnout was better and the absentee vote was better,”Brookhaven Election Commission chairwoman Bonita Bullock saidTuesday.
The 30 people who voted absentee in the runoff were more thantwice that of the first round. Bullock said three absentee voteswere not counted Tuesday after the people came to the poll tovote.
Tuesday’s election results were expected to be certifiedWednesday afternoon.