Obituaries for Thursday, March 10, 2005
Published 6:00 am Thursday, March 10, 2005
Willie Bob ‘Mr. T’ Allen
Services for Willie Bob “Mr. T” Allen, of Brookhaven are 3 p.m.Saturday, March 12 at Hopewell M.B. Church with burial in thechurch cemetery.
Visitation is Friday from noon until 7 p.m. with family hourfrom 6-7 p.m. at Williams Mortuary.
Mr. Allen, 56, died March 6, 2005, at King’s Daughters MedicalCenter. He was born in Brookhaven on Dec. 10, 1948, to Alex Allenand Myrtis Dixon Allen.
He was disabled. He was a member of Mt. Zion M.B. Church.
Preceding him in death were his parents; and three brothers,Charles L. Allen, John E. Allen and Marcell Allen.
Survivors are his wife, Mattie Tyler Allen, of Brookhaven; histwo daughters, Jameka Tyler and Jacquetta Tyler, both ofBrookhaven; his two sons, Willie B. Allen Jr. and Jonathan Tyler,both of Brookhaven; his five sisters, Emma Jean Lyons and herhusband, Willie, Irene Brown and her husband, David, Lula Leggettand her husband, the Rev. Calvin Leggett, Maxine Lyons and OpheliaAllen, all of Brookhaven; his five brothers, Isaiah Allen and hiswife, Edna, John C. Allen and his wife, Mary, all of Brookhaven,Alexander Allen Jr. and his wife, Mildred, of Jackson, MalcolmAllen and his wife, Mary, of Wesson, and Watson Allen and his wife,Rene, of Milwaukee, Wis.; one godchild; two grand-godchildren; anda host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.
Bruce Jeffris Boerner
Services for Bruce Jeffris Boerner, of Brookhaven, are 3 p.m.Friday, March 11 at First Presbyterian Church. Brookhaven FuneralHome is in charge of arrangements.
Visitation is Friday from 1-3 p.m. at the church.
Mr. Boerner, 58, died March 9, 2005, at G.V. “Sonny” MontgomeryVeterans Affairs Medical Center in Jackson. He was born inMilwaukee, Wisc., on Dec. 30, 1946, to Bruce J. Boerner andDelphine Clark Boerner.
He was disabled. He served in the Navy and was a member of FirstPresbyterian Church. He was a graduate of the University ofSouthern Mississippi.
Preceding him in death were his parents.
Survivors are his sons, Andrew Bruce Boerner and his wife,Vicky, of La Vergne, Tenn., and Theodore Jochem Boerner and hiswife, Pam, of St. Mary’s, Ga.; his brothers, William D. Boerner, ofBrookhaven, and Robert Clark Boerner, of Kennett Square, Pa.; hisnieces, Betsy Belk, of Jackson, Sarah Boerner and Emily Boerner,both of Kennett Square; his nephews, Bradley R. Boerner, ofBrookhaven, and Michael W. Boerner, of New Orleans; and onegrandchild, Zachary Gerard Boerner.
Jerry Collins
Services for Jerry Collins, of Brookhaven, are 11 a.m. Saturday,March 12 at Damascus M.B. Church with burial in Mt. Zion ChurchCemetery.
Visitation is Friday from noon until 5 p.m. at WilliamsMortuary.
Mr. Collins, 57, died March 8, 2005, at G.V. “Sonny” MontgomeryVeterans Affairs Medical Center in Jackson. He was born in NewOrleans on Feb. 15, 1948, to Shamrock Patton and Elvie CollinsHowell.
He was a graduate of Progress School and a retired mechanic. Hewas a veteran of the Army.
Preceding him in death was his father.
Survivors are his wife, Bernice Terrell Collins, of Brookhaven;his mother, Elvie Collins Howell, of Jamaica, N.Y.; his fivedaughters, Rhonda Fox, Deyuanna Collins, Eve Henderson, TrenekaHenderson and Henrietta Henderson, all of Brookhaven; his twosisters, Rose Marie Howell, of Jamaica, N.Y., and Dorothy RaePatton, of Brookhaven; his aunt and uncle, Elzie and BerthaCollins, of Brookhaven; and a host of nieces, nephews, otherrelatives and friends.
Hulon J. Dixon
Services for Hulon J. Dixon, of Bogue Chitto, are 2 p.m. Friday,March 11 at Calvery Baptist Church with burial in the churchcemetery.
Visitation is today from 5-9 p.m. at Community Funeral Servicesand Friday from 1-2 p.m. at the church.
Mr. Dixon, 74, died March 9, 2005, at his residence. He was bornin Lincoln County on May 16, 1930, to Ransom Dixon and FlorenceDixon.
He was a veteran of the Navy. He was a member of the Baptistfaith.
Preceding him in death were his parents.
Survivors are his wife, Addie Faye Dixon, of Bogue Chitto; hisdaughter, Donna Dunn and her husband, Marty, of Bogue Chitto; hissons, Timmy Dixon, and his wife Kay, Jimmy D. Dixon and his wife,Gwen, and Tommy Dixon, and his wife, Kim, all of Bogue Chitto; hissisters, Margretta Case, of McCall Creek, and Martha Laird and MaryTerry, all of Brookhaven; six grandchildren; and twogreat-grandchildren.
Joseph Luke Lea
Services for Joseph Luke Lea, of Baytown, Texas, are 11:30 a.m.Friday, March 11 at Riverwood Family Funeral Service with burial inFriendship Baptist Church Cemetery.
Visitation is today from 5-9 p.m. at the funeral home.
Mr. Lea, 94, died March 6, 2005, at Renaissance Hospital inGroves, Texas. He was born in Brookhaven on May 24, 1910, to JosephDaniel Lea and Mollie Kimble Lea.
He retired in 1972 from Dupont in Orange, Texas. His hobbieswere gardening and shop work.
Preceding him in death were his parents; his wife, Ina MarieCase Lea; eight sisters, M.L. Vaughan, of Port Arthur, Texas,Bonnie Mae King, Pinkie Applewhite, Mildred Fender, Mary LueRatcliff, Beulah Mae Weeks, all of Brookhaven, Elsie Sandifer, ofPort Arthur, and Grace Chapman, of Lucien; and two brothers, GeorgeLea, of Brookhaven, and Howard Lea, of Jackson.
Survivors are his daughter, Shirley Huff and her husband, L.G.Huff, of Baytown; three grandchildren, Connie Ellis and herhusband, Jim, of Huffman, Texas, Larry Huff and his wife, Gladys,of Liberty, Texas, and Terry Huff and his wife, Lisa, of Baytown;four great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. was aretired in 1972 from Dupont in Orange, Texas. His hobbies weregardening and shop work.
Preceding him in death were his parents; his wife, Ina MarieCase Lea; eight sisters, M.L. Vaughan, of Port Arthur, Texas,Bonnie Mae King, Pinkie Applewhite, Mildred Fender, Mary LueRatcliff, Beulah Mae Weeks, all of Brookhaven, Elsie Sandifer, ofPort Arthur, and Grace Chapman, of Lucien; two brothers, GeorgeLea, of Brookhaven, and Howard Lea, of Jackson.
Survivors are his daughter, Shirley Huff and her husband, L.G.Huff, of Baytown; three grandchildren, Connie Ellis and herhusband, Jim, of Huffman, Texas, Larry Huff and his wife, Gladys,of Liberty, Texas, and Terry Huff and his wife, Lisa, of Baytown;four great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren.
Lillie Mae Newman
Services for Lillie Mae Newman, of Brookhaven, are 1 p.m.Saturday, March 12 at New Vision Fellowship Church with burial inHillcrest Cemetery.
Visitation is Friday from noon until 7 p.m. with family presentfrom 6-7 p.m. at R.E. Tyler Funeral Home.
Mrs. Newman, 69, died March 6, 2005, at King’s Daughters MedicalCenter. She was born in Franklin County on May 7, 1935, to RickBrown and Tennie Mae Winston Brown.
She was a former aide at Countrybrook Living Center and laterwas a cook at King’s Daughters Medical Center. She was a member ofJoy Tabernacle.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, JuliusNewman; and one grandchild.
Survivors are her daughters, Kim McGhee, of Brookhaven, VickyJohnson, of McComb, and Deachea Cameron, of Meadville; her sons,Elder John Newman, of Osyka, and George Newman, of New Llano, La.;her sisters, Josie Mae Jenkins and Mary Robinson, both ofBrookhaven; her brother, Willie B. Brown, of Oakland, Calif.; herstepfather, M.C. Byrd, of Brookhaven; 10 grandchildren; threestepgrandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and a host of niecesand nephews.
Colton Smith
Services for Colton Smith, of Brookhaven, are 2 p.m. Friday,March 11 at Brookhaven Funeral Home Chapel with burial in New SightCemetery.
Visitation is today from 5-9 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. until 2p.m. at the funeral home.
Mr. Smith, 91, died March 9, 2005, at his residence. He was bornin Lincoln County on Sept. 7, 1913, to Hamilin Smith and MamieSmith.
He was retired from the oil field and farming. He was a memberof New Sight Baptist Church, where he served as deacon.
Preceding him in death were his parents; his wife, Radie MaeSmith; two brothers, Holon and Robert L. Smith; and one sister,Irene Smith, all of Brookhaven.
Survivors are his sons, Colon D. Smith and Howard E. Smith, bothof Brookhaven, and Gerald H. Smith, of Simpson, La.; his sisters,Wessie Smith and Nellie Jackson, both of Brookhaven, and RowenaMaxwell, of Baton Rouge, La.; his brother, Leroy Smith, ofBrookhaven; nine grandchildren, Lawanda Tinsley, of Denham Springs,La., Marcia Beassie, Brian D. Smith, Deborah Williams and TimothySmith, all of Brookhaven, Danny G. Smith, of Baton Rouge, AngieMagee and Dennis H. Smith, both of Leesville, La., and MelodyAldredge, of Natchitoches, La.; 25 great-grandchildren; and onegreat-great-grandchild.