Franklin Co. kickers shut down Wesson; Lady Cobras prevail
Published 6:00 am Monday, January 22, 2007
MEADVILLE — As goalkeepers go, Danny Mullins is athletic andsmart. The Franklin County senior, who owns a 3.7 GPA and a 33 onhis ACT, recorded his ninth shutout of the season Friday night in a5-0 victory over the Wesson Cobras.
Mullins not only shut the Cobras out, but he scored on them aswell in the second half when head coach Andy Diaz and assistantBrad Mullins moved him from his goalie spot to center midfield.
“Man, it was fun,” said Mullins a 6-foot-2 senior about the winand playing two different positions in the game. “It being ourSenior Night made it even more fun.”
The FC Soccer Dawgs (14-4) used Mullins’ versatile play and twogoals each by seniors Dane Hodges and Ryan Ratcliff to eclipse theCobras.
Ratcliff now leads Class 3A with 34 goals scored thisseason.
Senior boys Josh Dixon, Ben Cox, Chris Oglesby, Cody Newman,Ryan Ratcliff, Danny Mullins, Austin McCormick, and Dane Hodgeswere honored along with Lady Bulldog seniors Caroline Yarbrough andBeth Shell at halftime recognition ceremonies.
Franklin rearranged its lineup in the second half, allowingMullins to move from goalie to center-mid. A perfect cross kick bysophomore Zach McCormick allowed Mullins the opportunity, and hecapitalized on it for the first goal of his career.
In the girls’ game, seventh grade sensationKarlee Mullins scored her 10th goal of the season, but it wasn’tenough for the Lady Bulldogs as they dropped a 3-1 decision toWesson.
Scoring for Wesson on the mud-swollen field were Christina Finkon an assist from Stephanie Berry; followed by Trystan Eschete onan assist by Fink. The final goal was scored by Fink on an assistby Berry.
Wesson goalkeeper Ceara Sturgis had a career night, blocking twoFranklin goals and a penalty kick by Yarbrough.
“It could have easily been 4-3 if not for the great plays bySturgis,” said Wesson coach Robert Alsbury.
The Lady Cobras climbed to 6-1 in district play and 10-3overall. They lead the district by one game over FranklinCounty.
Wesson visits Crystal Springs Tuesday in a non-district game. OnFriday, the Cobras host Loyd Star in the season finale on SeniorNight. Girls action starts at 5:30 followed by the boys at 7.
District 7 1A-2A-3A.
Franklin County resumes play Tuesday night at North Pikebeginning at 6:00 with the girls’ game, followed by the boys’contest at 7:45.