County voices will be heard in primaries
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, August 8, 2007
After months of knocking on doors, shaking hands and makingspeeches at several political rallies, many candidates will learnthe results of their campaign efforts during Tuesday’s partyprimaries.
Some candidates’ campaigns will have to extend to the primaryrunoffs three weeks later or even to the Nov. 6 general election.But many races will be decided Tuesday.
That fact makes Tuesday one of most important days in thehistory of the county. On that day, voters will be deciding whowill be the county’s leaders for the next four years and perhapsbeyond, if they win Tuesday and are re-elected later.
As mentioned elsewhere on this page, because of the state’sprimary system, some voters will not have the opportunity to votefor the candidate of their choice in all races.
The reason is a voter must choose to participate in either theRepublican or Democratic primary. The situation will not allow somevoters to have a say in some interesting local races.
Disagreement and dissatisfaction over the situation aside, it isvital to remember that citizens need to take part in one party’sprimary or the other.
In doing so, voters will let their voices be heard in conteststhat matter most to them. Anyone who chooses to not vote in eitherprimary Tuesday gives up any standing to complain about countyissues in the next four year.
Voting is a right and privilege that makes the United States thegreatest country in the world. Periodically, through voting,citizens have the opportunity to express their desires regardingthe leadership at the federal, state, regional and locallevels.
On Tuesday, the election light will shine on state, regional andcounty offices. Don’t be left in the dark when it comes time tocast your ballots and make your decisions.