Loyd Star plans fundraiser tourney
Published 5:00 am Monday, July 7, 2008
The Loyd Star Volunteer Fire Department is looking for teams tostep up to the plate on July 12 with what they hope will become afun and successful yearly fundraiser.
Loyd Star Chief Mark Porter said members of the departmentthought it would be a fun idea to get together a co-ed softballtournament. Not only would it provide a day of companionship andcompetition for the participants, but it would make money for thedepartment.
Porter said seven teams have already signed up for the event, whichtakes place July 12 at Loyd Star school’s field. He said bothfields will be used if there are enough teams.
“It takes 10 people to make a team, but some teams have 12 or 15people,” he said.
Teams can wear similar outfits or uniforms if they’d like, but it’snot required, Porter said. Additionally, each team must have atleast five women and five men, high school and up. To make thingsfair, men will bat opposite of their strong hand.
“So if you usually bat right-handed, you’ll bat left-handed in thistournament, and if you’re usually left-handed you’ll batright-handed,” he said.
Depending on the number of teams, the first pitch will be thrownout around 7 to 8 a.m., Porter said. Brackets need to be determinedearly, so interested teams need to be registered by Tuesday, July8.
“That’s one reason we want to get everyone registered by thatTuesday night so we can have all day Wednesday and Wednesday nightto make up the brackets,” he said. “Then we’ll know what timeeveryone plays, and we’ll let them know on Thursday.”
Teams will be asked to provide their own equipment, as it will notbe provided.
Loyd Star VFD recently purchased a $110,000 quick-response truck,and Porter said the tournament will be a way to help pay forit.
“The money goes to the Loyd Star Volunteer Fire Department, andmore or less we’re trying to pay for the new truck we just bought,”he said. “We’d also like to eventually buy some more trainingequipment.”
The entry fee per team is $150. Porter said with the participationso far, things look good for the tournament to become an annualevent.
Anyone interested in entering a team, or simply with questions isencouraged to call Porter at (601) 833-0760 or (601) 695-1045, orLoyd Star VFD President Kirk Douglas at (601) 833-8026 or (601)835-7491.