Wanda Barnett Tempel
Published 5:00 am Monday, October 20, 2008
Services for Wanda Barnett Tempel, of Brookhaven, were 3 p.m.Saturday, Oct. 18, at Faith Presbyterian Church with burial inRiverwood Memorial Park. Brookhaven Funeral Home was in charge ofarrangements.
Mrs. Tempel, 81, died Oct. 17, 2008, at Silver Cross NursingHome. She was born in Denham Springs, La. on Feb. 26, 1927, to JayEllis Barnett and Bertha Elizabeth Garrison Barnett.
She was a homemaker. She was a member of Faith PresbyterianChurch, Willing Hearts Circle of King’s Daughters Medical Centerand the Silver Cross Governing Board.
Preceding her in death was her parents.
Survivors are her husband, Graham Tempel, of Brookhaven; herdaughters, Beth Crawford, of Louisville, Lucy Little, of Natchez,and Sally Miller, of Pensacola, Fla.; her brother, John Barnett, ofDenham Springs; her niece, Ruth Ella Kennedy, of Springfield, La.;and six grandchildren.