Loyd Star
Published 12:55 pm Monday, May 10, 2010
Jesus said in John 7:38 (NIV): “Whoever believes in me, as theScripture has said, streams of living water will flow from withinhim.” And in Philippians 3:13-14 (NIV), He said ” … Forgettingwhat is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press ontoward the goal to win the prize for which God has called meheavenward in Christ Jesus.”
A very special happy Mother’s Day is extended today to all mothersthroughout the various communities. If you are in sadness orrestfulness, may your special day be filled with joy, peace,happiness, with content, and most of all, with love. If you are inbereavement and don’t know where to turn, may God fill yourthoughts with comforting words, with peace and lots of lovethroughout this day and the days to come. Have a blessed day.
Join in the fun of some old-time May Day festivities on Saturday,May 15, at 1273 Brookway Blvd. starting at 9:30 a.m. until, in theWebb’s yard, sponsored by Damascus Church family, the Rev. RobertDaniels, pastor. Bring your lawn chair and spend a little timehaving some fun! Come with a healthy appetite because there will beplenty of good food for sale and games to play. If your church, anauxiliary or an individual is interested in purchasing a booth forrent on that day, please call 601-833-7717, 601-695-8456 or601-717-2775.
Eva Harris alumni are invited to a reunion meeting at the LincolnCounty Public Library at 6 p.m. on Tuesday.
The communities join in extending sincere and heartfelt sympathy tothe following families who are in bereavement at this time: theKeys/Robinson families in the recent loss of their loved one,Suzette Retinna Keys Robinson; the Smith family in the recent lossof their loved one, Belbert Smith; the Hill/Adams families in therecent loss of their loved one, Gertrude Adams Hill; the Smithfamily in the recent loss of their loved one, Carroll P. Smith.Also remember the Johnson family in the recent loss of their lovedone, Chance Lane Johnson, who was reared in Brookhaven where he waseducated. His favorite hobbies were listening to music, watchingmovies, playing video games and being with his family and friends.May God’s love and peace be with these families, as well as allother families that are going through grief at this time.
Damascus M.B. Church Mission Group and church family, under theleadership of the Rev. Robert Daniels invite all pastors,ministers, mission groups, church families and friends to attend aspecial program of “Five Colors” on Sunday, May 16, at 1:30 p.m.Come and see how the colors brown, green yellow, white and red areportrayed during this program. Also join the group in thefellowship hall as they present foods using these colors for yourenjoyment.
Alberta B. Ford, along with the Ford/Beard families expressed theirthanks for all the support their families received during the deathof her husband, Samuel Calvin “Sam” Ford.
If you have any Loyd Star area news to report, contact CarolynBeard Humphries at 601-833-5753.