Trial set in downtown shooting
Published 6:21 pm Tuesday, November 2, 2010
A Brookhaven man will stand trial next week for his alleged partin the shooting of an elderly woman this spring, officialssaid.
Quincy Walker, 21, of 226 Washington St., will appear in LincolnCounty Circuit Court beginning at 9 a.m. Tuesday to face charges ofaggravated assault stemming from the April 24 shooting of86-year-old Eva Pullen.
Pullen was shot four times and robbed of her purse while sittingin her open vehicle near Fred’s in downtown Brookhaven on April 24.She was treated for injuries and later released from a Jacksonhospital.
Walker’s trial date was set Monday during an omnibus hearing,and he was booked back into the Lincoln County Jail. His indictmentcarries charges of aggravated assault, armed robbery andconspiracy. The combined maximum sentences for all three chargescould lead to life imprisonment.
Walker was already on parole for a prior robbery charge at thetime of his arrest. He’s spent the summer in a state correctionalfacility.
Walker’s brother, 20-year-old David Walker, was also arrested inconnection with the April 24 shooting but later released by JudgeRaymond Boutwell, who determined there wasn’t enough evidence tohold him.
The younger Walker has not since been charged in the shooting.However, he is facing trial Nov. 30 in connection with the armedrobbery of a convenience store on North Jackson Street in October2009, according to a circuit court docket.