Slick, southern streets and snow cleats
Published 10:00 pm Saturday, February 1, 2014
It’s been a slippery week. Several members of the Boyd family fell victim to the slick, frozen sheets covering Mississippi ground. And I literally mean “fell.”
My sister, Kallie, was the first to have her feet fly out from under her. Daddy had to drive her to work Wednesday morning in his truck because her car wouldn’t leave the frozen, snow-covered driveway. Upon arrival, she thought she was stepping out of the truck, but somehow ended up on the ground. Kallie claims that after determining that she was OK, our parents crescendoed into laughter.
Daddy shouldn’t have laughed so quickly. He ended up lying flat in the Walgreens parking lot. My family must be incredible drivers to have to drive on slick, dangerous roads, and not end up in the ditch like many; but, they’re obviously bad walkers.
Maybe it’s because everyone in my family is so tall. Gravity just catches up with us. Although, on the same day, I saw several incidences on Facebook where friends had slipped. There’s going to be a lot of sore tailbones here in the south.
Needless to say, as the clumsiest of the Boyds, I stayed inside. I trip walking around my house on a daily basis. I definitely wouldn’t have made it across the Walgreens parking lot.
I asked my husband what kind of shoes you’re supposed to wear in these conditions. “I have snow cleats,” he proclaimed. “Of course you do,” I thought. Jacob is the gadget/accessory man. I’ve been trying to get him to clean out his “hunting room” that’s filled with what I think to be needless items. I guess those snow cleats were in there.
Maybe I’ll let him slide on the cluttered room for a while. He shoveled our walkway and my parents’ walkway and never slipped. The rare times I had to walk outside, I crept like a turtle over all hard surfaces.
I cringed when Jacob had to go to the oilrig in Liberty during all of this. Early mornings and late nights were not the ideal time to drive under the previous conditions. Several vehicles could be seen in ditches along the roads. Trying to get to church, Daddy had to pass up the road because he slid right past it, even though he was going cautiously slow.
Jacob and Daddy drove to the post office on Tuesday, even after I asked Jacob not to go because of the dangerous roads. About an hour later, he texted me, saying they were in the ditch and needed me to come pull the big truck out. I knew that was a tall tale the second he said they needed me to come pull them out in my little car. I would be the last person they would call. He thinks he’s so funny.
Meanwhile, our dogs have also not been enjoying the cold stuff outside. They walk so quickly and lightly, you can barely see paw prints in the snow. The schnauzer, Muzzy, has been glued to my electric heater I have stationed in the living room. When I say glued, I mean it literally. It looks like he’s attached to the thing. I often move him when his fur is hot to the touch. Poor southern dogs. They’re ready for spring.
The snow has been pretty, but I’m ready for the sun to melt all the cold away, as I write this on Thursday morning. Kallie has been wanting to build a snowman … like she actually asked me if I wanted to make Olaf from “Frozen” and take pictures with it. She’s 23. I guess even adults can have fun in the snow.
I’m surprised she didn’t break out into, “Do you want to build a snowman?” – one of the hit songs from the movie. I would like to sing the “cold never bothered me anyway” song, but that would be a lie.
Well, it’s supposed to reach 60 this Sunday. The Boyd family should be safe to walk. Now, watch me slip on dry asphalt after church. Have a warm, blessed day!
You may write to Jessica Boyd Smith by emailing