Union Church
Published 8:52 pm Saturday, May 23, 2015
“Breathes there a man who with soul so dead who never to himself has said, ‘This is my own, my native land,’” Sir Walter Scott.
As we celebrate Memorial Day this year, may we remember the sacrifices that have been made for us to be free. As I recall one of my family members who gave his life for our country during World War II, I am thankful for my uncle, Joseph Jackson McGill. He went to a watery grave off the coast of Balikpapan area when his ship hit a mine. Uncle Joe served his country well and left behind a young niece who didn’t and still doesn’t understand why he died so young leaving behind a young wife and three children. Joseph Jackson McGill, the memory, the legend. I am sure you have stories to tell about your loved one. Please share them so we can all receive the blessings of people who made the supreme sacrifice.
Congratulations, Union Church graduates: Cody Greer, Mississippi College; Ken Keller, Co-Lin; Bryce Loftin, Brookhaven Academy; Shelby Coleman, Brookhaven Academy; Brock Ezell, Brookhaven Academy; Holly Lambert, Loyd Star; Allison Covington, sixth grade, Brookhaven Academy; Riley Welch, kindergarten, Enterprise; Kinsley Carter, pre-school, Wesson. We are proud of you!
Included in our prayers are : the Kendall Traxler Family, Edward McKinney, who is at this writing at Meadville Hospital; Sandra McGill, my great-niece, cancer; Blanche Keller at Silver Cross; and others who we have been praying for. A praise is flowing from my lips. Grandson, Casey Carr, who was in a wreck Jan. 8 was able to go back to work May 18.
Remember: Union Church Community fifth Sunday service will be at Union Church Baptist Church with preaching by Dr. Martin, Presbyterian pastor, at 11:00 a.m. A fellowship meal will follow the service. We invite you to join us for a day of fellowship and inspiration.
Union Church community is filling water bottles with loose change to participate in a project of the International Mission Board to drill wells in countries where water is scarce. If you have not already, please pick up your bottle of water that is in the foyer of the Baptist church and help us with this project that will continue through September.
Martin Luther: “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.”
Have a happy week and enjoy this Memorial Day weekend remembering the sacrifices made for our freedom.
If you have any Union Church area news to report, contact Erlene Hudson at (601) 786-3079 or e-mail ehudsonb@aol.com.