You asked: Can I still use my own trash bin in the county?
Published 4:12 pm Friday, June 19, 2020
Q: I already have a trash bin that I purchased or built, but am I still required to use the provided trash cart?
A: The answer is yes, but in a way no.
On Monday, the Lincoln County Board of Supervisors met and discussed whether they would extend their contract with Arrow Disposal Service Inc. They heard from Arrow’s Vice President of Governmental and Public Affairs Jimmie Moore on how operation would go if the county switched to using the company’s provided cans.
“The carts are really sturdy,” Moore said. “They are a quality piece of equipment.”
The cans, which can hold 95 gallons, are the same as the ones used in the city, but will be a different color.
“The system’s already in effect in the city,” Board President Eddie Brown said. “They’re doing a great job right now (in the county).”
The cans are engineered so they fit into the hydraulic tipper, which hooks onto the can and tips the garbage over into the back of the truck.
“The only thing the individual has to do is put their garbage in,” Brown said.
Each home will be issued a trashcan, and an additional can be requested from the company if needed. The can will have a serial number associated with it, as it belongs to Arrow.
“I think people are gonna be pleased with the cart once they get one,” Moore said.
Trash will only be picked up if it is in the Arrow-issued can, as it will be the primary method of garbage disposal. Any overflow trash can be placed in bins or other trashcans.
“Put your initial garbage in this can first, then the bin if you have overflow,” Brown said.
If the can is damaged over time or stolen, Arrow will take care of it.
“We encourage people to put their cans out the night before, that’s the safest thing to do and helps prevent theft,” Moore said.
Garbage cans will be delivered prior to October 1.
“None of these will be in effect until after October,” Brown said.
Garbage bills are expected to increase. While an exact price has yet to be determined, it is safe to expect an increase of around increase by $1.25 a month.
“We’re operating in the red right now with garbage,” Brown said. “The garbage issue has got to be addressed anyway. We will be looking at that as it comes time to make the budget.”
Garbage disposal services are contracted out by the county and last for three years per federal law.
“We have to follow federal law,” Brown said. “This is not something we just do, we have to follow the law that’s sent down to us. This didn’t just spring up, this has been going on for over a year. We have been listening to the contractor for over a year about this. It’s been an ongoing thing.”
Brown is aware of the hesitation surrounding the new cans from Arrow being in the county.
“We’re seeing some that aren’t happy, and that happens every time,” Brown said.
“We’ve had some problems with litter and garbage being strewn on the roads, and we want to keep it as clean as possible on our county roads.”
Story by Gracie Byrne