‘On this day’ — Veterans, citizens gather for Memorial Day ceremony

Published 11:28 am Monday, May 30, 2022

“On this day, we honor the memory of those who laid down their lives for us.”

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2618 Senior Vice Commander Greg Marlow welcomed the Monday morning crowd with the somber reminder.

Veterans of the United States Armed Forces and members of the local community gathered for a short Memorial Day ceremony in front of the Lincoln County/Brookhaven Government Complex. Seated or standing near the Lincoln County Veterans Memorial — many wearing patriotic clothing, military service shirts and hats, or red pinned-on poppies — attendees paid their respects to the men and women who died in military service to their nation.

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Following prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance and patriotic songs, VFW Quartermaster Tommy Allison read the names etched into the granite memorial of Lincoln County service members who died in service — 15 from World War I, 67 from World War II, six from the Korean War and eight from the Vietnam War — 96 total.

Following a ceremonial laying of a wreath at the memorial, “Taps” could be heard from a trumpeter playing out of sight.

Memorial Day is the one day each year set aside to remember members of the U.S. military who have laid down their lives for their families and nation. It is celebrated on the final Monday of May. Flags are lowered to half mast until noon in remembrance of the more than one million men and women who have died in service.