Where was God when …?

Published 7:00 pm Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Where was he when my best friend died?

Darryl was struck by a car while he was doing one of the most innocent things a child can do — playing. His bike slid into the street and a car hit him. I don’t think it was the fault of either person, but Darryl died from his injuries.

Where was the God of innocent children when Darryl died?

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Where was he when my neighbor and friend Faith flipped her car? She was a teenager driving home from one of her first jobs and lost control of the vehicle. She lived, but she’s never been the same physically or mentally. She’s a miracle, no doubt — still … where was the God of healing when Faith was wounded?

Where was the God of justice and mercy when innocent lives were taken at schools, when law enforcement officers were killed trying to protect the innocent, when my friend took his own life, when another friend tried to take hers, when the Twin Towers fell, when my young friend’s father was killed recently?

Where was this God who loves us?

Where was he when my first marriage fell apart, and when other relationships crumbled?

When I spiraled into depression and overwhelming anxiety? When I didn’t want to kill myself but I didn’t really care if I lived?

Right where he has always been.

He is not a clockmaker god, who simply made and set things in motion. He is not a cosmic buzzkill who slaps us down whenever we seem to get ahead. He is not a hateful monster. He is not a god who does not care, nor a god who does not exist.

He is God the Creator, who allowed humans to make choices. Choosing to love is far different (and greater) than having no choice in the matter. Sin ushered into this world damaged it, caused it and society to decay. We make choices. We make mistakes. God allows things to happen, but causes no evil.

There’s no way to explain it all in just a few hundred words, but God is good no matter what happens (or doesn’t).

I don’t know if you believe that or not. Maybe you wish I’d just shut up about this whole “God” thing. But I can’t. Because no matter how much I have been affected by the negative things of this world (including my own reckless choices), no matter how fickle and untrustworthy I have been, God is so much greater, and is the epitome of unchanging, trustworthy goodness.

He is here, waiting for us to turn to him, to trust him, to let him hold and heal us. It just takes belief and giving it all over to him. It’s why he sent his Son Jesus to die for us, and why we just celebrated the Resurrection.

Where was he when you went through so much? Right where he is right now.

Brett Campbell can be reached at brett.campbell@dailyleader.com.