Severe weather, tornadoes possible today

Published 9:16 am Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The National Weather Service in Jackson has forecasted severe storms across the state today, with enhanced to moderate risk in Lincoln County and the surrounding areas.

Enhanced risk areas can expect damaging winds up to 70 mph, large hail up to tennis ball size and possible tornadoes.

Moderate risk areas can expect damaging winds up to 80 mph in addition to the large hail and possibility of tornadoes.

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The rough weather is expected in the morning, but the greatest threat exists from the late afternoon to late tonight.

The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency cautions residents to be weather aware; know where to go in case of a tornado warning; prepare for power outages; and watch for debris in the roads.


Watch vs. warning

The NWS issues a “watch” when conditions are favorable for the development of severe thunderstorms, tornado, or flash flooding. This is the time to prepare, if preparation has not already been done. Charge phones, make sure emergency kits are available and that plans are in place for family and pets if a warning is issued.

A “warning” is issued when the threat is imminent — severe weather has been reported by spotters or indicated by radar; a tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar; or flash flooding has been observed. This is the time to take immediate action — take shelter and listen to weather radio, if possible.