City of Brookhaven accepts garbage bid
Published 2:30 pm Thursday, June 20, 2024
- Waste Management commercial waste and recycling dumpsters outside a business
The City of Brookhaven has approved a bid to make Waste Management its new household garbage service provider.
Monday, the Lincoln County Board of Supervisors accepted the WM bid for a six-year contract, contingent on the City entering jointly. The County bid was $15.47 per unit monthly, with an estimated increase of $0.32 per unit. County Administrator Daniel Calcote said he did not expect the slight increase to cause consumers’ bills to go up.
Tuesday, the Brookhaven Board of Aldermen accepted WM’s bid of $13.82 per unit, as well as WM’s bid to run the City Transfer Station.
The board opted not to accept the lower bid of $12.73 per unit from Arrow Disposal, citing decreases in performance and reliability over the life of ADSI’s current contract with the City.
Current cost is $13.54 per unit. It has not yet been determined by the Solid Waste Department if the 28-cent increase will affect consumers’ bills.
Delta Waste submitted a bid of $23.95 per unit.
Waste Management’s bid for the Transfer Station was as follows:
- $54.39 per ton for any City or County residential non-hazardous solid waste delivered to the Transfer Station; $62.55 per ton for commercial.
- $62.55 per ton for any non-City/County residential non-hazardous solid waste delivered to the Transfer Station; $65.27 per ton for commercial.
The current contracts with ADSI and the City and County expire Sept. 30, 2024. The new contracts with WM will begin Oct. 1.
In other business, the board:
- Awarded the off-road diesel bid to James Case Oil at $2.89.9
- Received the May Fire Department report showing 34 runs in the city.
- Approved the low quote from Greenbriar Digging in the amount of $8,900 to remove and replace the draining pipes behind Faith Presbyterian Church on Magee Drive. The other quote was $10,350, from Mitchell Contracting.
- Approved fireworks permits for a July 4th event at Heritage Family Church and a July 2nd event at Lincoln Civic Center, from 8 p.m. to midnight each night.