Local seniors take part in annual Spring Fling

Published 6:00 pm Wednesday, April 20, 2011

With age comes wisdom, but some things are not known untiltold.

More than 200 Lincoln County senior citizens filled the LincolnCivic Center Tuesday to visit with roughly 20 booths to learn abouthealth care, nutrition, wellness, preventative measures and muchmore at the annual TRIAD Spring Fling.

“TRIAD is a great program,” said Lincoln County Sheriff SteveRushing. “We enjoy getting out and getting involved with the seniorcitizens in the community.”

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TRIAD is a partnership between the Brookhaven Police Department,Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department and AARP. The organizationgives seniors a chance to learn about crime prevention, health andwell-being and a chance to familiarize themselves with local lawenforcement officials.

“We offer these program to them to make them aware of servicesthat can be provided to them in the community,” said TRIADPresident and LCSD Sgt. Charles Smith. “It seems to be real popularamong the community.”

Some of Lincoln County’s wisest members patrolled the civiccenter and discovered all sorts of new services.

Margie Ratcliff, a former Lincoln County resident, said she madethe trip back because she enjoyed the function the first time sheattended. After making her rounds, she said she found two or threenew services she hopes to take advantage of, including a service inwhich someone will check her appliances to ensure they are inworking and safe order.

“I’m pretty well versed on all these services, but I didn’t knowthat,” she said.

In addition to learning about health care and learning somethingnew, seniors were treated to lunch, enjoyed door prizes, took homegiveaways and listened to live music.

“It gives them the ability to socialize with one another andeducate themselves of the services that are out there,” saidphysical therapist Courtney Ownes, of Sta-Home Health.

BPD Chief Pap Henderson said the TRIAD events allow seniors tobecome familiar with local law enforcement officials and gives themthe opportunity to voice their concerns.

“This basically lets them know that we appreciate them by havingthe Spring Fling,” said Henderson.

Mississippi Leadership Counsel on Aging Bureau Director WayneParker thanked everyone for attending the function and commendedall the area officials responsible for making the Lincoln CountyTRIAD program a success, a program he said is implemented toeducate seniors.

“That’s our purpose and we’re going to continue to do that aslong as we have funding and the seniors need protection,” saidParker.

Parker said the Counsel on Aging, which is a part of theDepartment of Public Safety, receives funding through movingtraffic violations. Currently using part of $1 from tickets, hesaid he hopes to convince legislators for another buck to assist infunding the estimated 50 TRIAD programs in the state.

“I would like to go more than that, but I’ll take what I canget,” said Parker.