Makeover planned for softball facility

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, February 1, 2005

An upcoming softball complex renovation project will provide astate-of-the-art facility for the Brookhaven High School LadyPanthers softball team, school district officials say.

“We’re trying to upgrade our facilities for our girls,”Superintendent Lea Barrett said of plans to renovate the softballcomplex near Mamie Martin Elementary School. “That was one area wefelt we had a weak link.”

Deputy Superintendent James Tillman has been working withBenchmark Engineering on plans for the complex upgrade.

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“We’ve got it out for bids now,” Tillman said.

Project bids will be accepted Feb. 10. They will be reviewed andpresented to the school district’s board of trustees at its Feb. 15meeting, Tillman said.

“We want to have a state-of-the-art complex for our kids,”Tillman said.

Plans include extending the parking area, installing newbleachers and fences and leveling the playing field, Tillman said.Once completed, the complex will be similar to one near LipseyMiddle School used by the boys team.

“They’ll have new dressing rooms, a concession stand, etc.”Tillman said of the girls team. “They’re doing well, and we don’twant them to feel neglected.”

Barrett said funds for the project are coming primarily from atimber sale. Tillman said a thinning effort was done as part of thedistrict’s management of 16th Section land.

Tillman did not want to comment on the costs of the projectuntil bids come in. He said school officials hope to have theproject competed within four to six months after a contract isawarded.

“It should be well up and running for the next school year,”Tillman said.