FOCUS looking to honor area’s fabulous citizen

Published 3:29 am Sunday, December 4, 2011

    Do you know someone fabulous?


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    If so, The DAILY LEADER wants to hear from you.

    As we prepare for our FOCUS 2012 editions, we are looking toincorporate aspects of our Unsung Heroes, which were published inour annual FOCUS editions through 2009, with our Five FascinatingFigures segments, which have appeared in the Spring, Summer andFall editions of FOCUS since 2010. We are also looking to renew theannual honor of Citizen of the Year.

    The result of our planning efforts is the creation of the “FabFive.”

    That’s where you, our valued readers, come in.

    Appearing in today’s paper on page two, and in future editionsleading up to the Jan. 31 submission deadline, we are asking you tonominate a friend, neighbor or acquaintance whom you believe isfabulous.

    “Fabulous” can have a wide variety of meanings.

    It can relate to a person who spends countless hours giving oftheir time for the betterment of the community. Or it can besomeone who is especially gifted with a talent that he or she usesto help make the Lincoln, Lawrence, Copiah and Franklin county areaa better place to live. Or it can simply be a person who pursues aninteresting hobby or similar activity to the point it makes themunique and noteworthy.

    Based on reader submissions, a “Fab Five” will be chosen for eachof the FOCUS editions in 2012.

    After publication of the Fall FOCUS in October, the 15 total “FabFive” members will be put on a ballot for readers to vote on forour Citizen of the Year for 2012. That person or persons will thenbe featured in the newspaper edition that will be published theWednesday before Thanksgiving.

    So look around, put on your thinking caps and nominate someone tobe featured in FOCUS. It will be a “fabulous” gesture.