Jury convicts woman in meth. trial
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, November 29, 2000
A Lincoln County jury needed a little over 30 minutes Tuesday toconvict a Bogue Chitto woman of possession of methamphetamine.
In a trial that lasted only several hours, Jennifer McCarty, 30,of 780 Hog Chain Road, was found guilty of less than one-tenth agram of methamphetamine in connection with a June 3 traffic stop byLincoln County Deputy Kevin Cartwright. She was scheduled to besentenced Wednesday at 9 a.m. before Judge Lamar Pickard, who ispresiding this week in place of Judge Mike Smith.
According to the prosecution, residue in a syringe found inMcCarty’s purse was determined to be methamphetamine. PublicDefender Gus Sermos, however, contended residue evidence presentedat trial was so minute that an atomic microscope would be needed toweigh it.
“There’s no substance that they can put in front of you to say’This is it,'” Sermos told jurors in his closing arguments.
Assistant District Attorney Diane Jones said the residue had tobe washed out of the syringe to be tested. What was in the syringeTuesday was not what was important, rather it was what was in itback on June 3, she said.
“That is the important date,” Jones said.
McCarty faces a maximum penalty of four years in prison and a$10,000 fine.