Habitat sets August goal for new house
Published 5:00 am Monday, July 2, 2001
The vision Clestine Brothern has of becoming a homeowner hasstarted to take shape as Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln Countybegins work on its third house, which she will purchase.
Brothern, a teacher at a local preschool, could be paying noteson the house and enjoying it with her three sons by the end ofAugust, the projected completion date.
“We had the ground breaking on May 22, and our goal is to haveit finished within 90 days if we have plenty of help and goodweather,” said Jerry E. Wilkinson, executive director of Habitatfor Humanity of Lincoln County.
The recent favorable weather, with the exception of a few raindays, has allowed the footings to be dug and poured by volunteersRoss Jackson, Peck Vaughn, Dick Douglas, Bryant Johnston and FredCalcote.
The next step at the house site will be for the Rev. Bruce Smithand other volunteers to lay concrete blocks for thefoundations.
This will really “get the ball rolling,” and allow plumbing workto begin and the slab to be poured, said Vaughn, a member of thebuilding committee.
“Everything is moving along pretty good, and it will really getgoing in the next couple of weeks,” he said.
More than a dozen men from New Hope United Methodist Church havesigned up to frame the house on July 14 if good weatherprevails.
“I’ve been real pleased with the number of volunteers we’ve hadearly on,” said Wilkinson. “People have been so agreeable tohelp.”
The framing of the house, the second four-bedroom house builthere, will start a frenzy of work at the site, which is located atthe corner of Turner and Grenn Streets.
“There will be plenty of things for people to do. We’re going toneed a lot of help at that point, everything from carrying 2x4s tobringing water to the workers,” said Vaughn, who also worked on thefirst two Habitat houses.
Volunteers have even found small jobs for young children todo.
Vaughn said many of the children from the surroundingneighborhood have offered a helping hand over the last few weeksand have been able to do tasks like picking up debris around thesite or bringing tools to volunteers.
A steady flow of workers of all ages will be needed to completethe house on time, Wilkinson pointed out.
“A lot of older men have volunteered their time, but we needyounger men and women, too,” he said. “Sometimes the older, skilledmen need young people to help them with things, so we’re hopingmore young people will get involved.”
Another important aspect of having a successful project will becontinuous monetary donations to be used for buying supplies.
“What we would like to see is more churches getting involved andmaybe designating $50 or $100 every month to this mission projectright here in Lincoln County,” said Wilkinson. “If we could getthat kind of support from the Christians in the area, we couldbuild a house every few months for the needy.”
Anyone wishing to volunteer their services, make donations orfind out more about Habitat for Humanity of Lincoln County can call823-4061, or stop by the office at 101 South Railroad Avenue, from9 a.m. to noon Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
The next meeting of Habitat is Tuesday, July 3, at 6:30 p.m. atthe Inez Hotel.