Bates new chairman of Co-Lin board
Published 5:00 am Monday, August 6, 2001
The Copiah-Lincoln Community College Board of Trustees welcomeda new board chairman, vice-chairman and member during a two-hoursession Thursday night on the school campus.
Vice-chairman Eugene Bates was elevated to chairman, Dr. GeorgeBrumfield was elected the new vice chairman, and Jimmy Buchanan waswelcomed to the board.
The chairmanship became vacant after Dr. J.H. Striblingannounced in May he would retire on July 31 after serving on theboard for 27 years. Dr. Stribling recently died.
The ballot for chairman was created from nominations received atthe last meeting in June and included Bates, Brumfield and GeraldHorn.
A question arose as to whether two votes received by mail frommembers who could not attend the meeting should be counted. CollegePresident Howell Garner said the votes were unsolicited, and hewanted to give the board the opportunity to decide whether to countthem or not.
Kenneth Bailey reminded the board of an unwritten policyexisting among board members that members not present could notvote on an issue.
Garner said he would abide by the decisions of the board becausethere was no policy in the board’s bylaws governing mailed invotes.
Bailey suggested the votes not be counted and that the boardestablish a written policy at a later date.
“I would recommend we do that,” Garner said.
Garner’s recommendation was followed and Bates emerged as thechairman. Bates, of Church Hill, has 18 years of experience on theboard and was a member of the executive committee.
“Since you have chosen your vice-chairman as chairman of thisboard, I would like to recommend we also choose our vice-chairmantonight,” Garner said.
Bates agreed. “I personally hope we can bring closure to thisissue because I would like to enter the new school year with a fullslate of officers,” he said.
The board was given an opportunity to make secret nominationsand those were announced by Garner. Six names were nominated:Bailey, Brumfield, Willie Harrison, Horn, Jack McAlpin and RoyWinkworth. Harrison asked to be removed from the list, and McAlpinpointed out that he was not eligible because he was not a member ofthe executive board.
The runoff election for vice-chairman resulted in three namesbecause of a tie in second place votes. Brumfield, Horn andWinkworth made the final ballot with Brumfield being chosen.
Brumfield has 14 years of experience with the board and was amember of the executive committee. He was an administrator ofBrookhaven School District from 1965-1981, when he becamesuperintendent. He retired in 1989 and is now a life insuranceagent.
Garner introduced the board’s newest member during his openingremarks, and the board welcomed Buchanan. Buchanan has served withCopiah County schools for 36 years and was assistant superintendentfor “many of those years.” He is a former superintendent of thedistrict and was requested to leave retirement to serve as theinterim superintendent there until a special election could beheld. As interim superintendent he also became an interim collegeboard member.
Board Secretary Tommy Sasser also assumed his duties at themeeting. Sasser was elected to his position at the June meeting,but the board did not meet in July.
The board handled routine business while electing theirofficers.