Ten sentenced on felony counts
Published 5:00 am Thursday, May 30, 2002
Ten people facing felonies were sentenced during Judge KeithStarrett’s May term of Lincoln County Circuit Court, according tocourt records.
Assistant District Attorney Diane Jones indicated the relativelylow number of cases handled was the result of grand juries meetingmore often but dealing with fewer cases. District Attorney DannySmith earlier this year implemented monthly grand jurysessions.
“The last two grand juries were small,” Jones said regardingrecent court dispositions.
In all, 12 defendants pleaded guilty, with 10 admitting tofelonies and two pleading guilty to reduced misdemeanor charges.Defendants and their charges include:
* Ernest Rhodes, 36, of Chicago — unlawful possession of morethan one kilogram of marijuana with intent to distribute. He wassentenced to eight years and ordered to serve the first two years.The remainder of the sentence is to be served under post releasesupervision and Rhodes was to pay a $7,000 fine, $50 restitutionand obtain alcohol and drug treatment while in prison.
* Michael Jordan, 42, of 1077 Crooked Lane — unlawful sale ofoxycontin and unlawful sale of alprazolam. He was sentenced to atotal of 10 years and ordered to the serve the first four, with thelast six on post release supervision. He was also ordered to pay$205 restitution, a $5,000 fine and to obtain alcohol and drugtreatment while in prison.
* Misty Ann Beavers Rutland, 24, of 5914 Afinn Road, Smithdale– grand larceny. She was sentenced to two years and ordered tocomplete terms at the Regimented Inmate Discipline (RID) programand the Restitution Center. She was also to pay $570 restitutionand a $1,000 fine.
* Bruce Guiser, 21, of 450 Union St. — one indictment for threecounts of unlawful sale of cocaine and another for unlawfulpossession of cocaine with intent to distribute and unlawfulpossession of diazepam. He was sentenced to a total of 30 years andordered to serve the first 15, with the remainder suspended forfive years probation. He was also to pay a $25,000 fine and over$1,200 restitution.
* Michael Tyrone Johnson, 25, of McCall Creek — felony DUI. Hewas sentenced to three years, but placed in the intensivesupervision program (ISP) and drug court. He was also to pay a$2,000 fine and obtain alcohol and drug treatment as recommended bya counselor.
* Sandra Magee Hobbs, 39, of 132 Hobbs Road — felony badchecks. She was sentenced to five years, which is to run concurrentwith another sentence and the balance to be served under postrelease supervision. She was also to pay $250 fine and $718restitution.
* Christopher F. Lambert, 35, of 456 County Farm Road –operating a chop shop, possession of stolen property and alteringvehicle identification numbers. He was sentenced to a total of 10years and ordered to serve the first five, with the remaindersuspended for five years probation. He was also to pay a $2,000fine and a total of $4,000 restitution.
* Javon Banks, 20, of 305 James Dr., Wesson — unlawfulpossession of marijuana. He was sentenced to three years, suspendedfor five years probation. He was also to pay a $3,000 fine, beevaluated for alcohol and drug treatment and to perform 200 hoursof community service work.
* Randy Dion Barlow, 19, of 312 Hartman St. — unlawfulpossession of cocaine. He was sentenced to five years, suspendedfor five years probation. He was also to be evaluated for alcoholand drug treatment, pay a $2,000 fine and $50 restitution, perform100 hours of community service work and have his driver’s licensesuspended for six months.
* Calvin Rollins, 34, of 1031 South First. St. — failure tosupport minor children. He was sentenced to two years, suspendedfor five years probation. He was also to pay a total of $3,673 inchild support restitution and to complete a term at the restitutioncenter.
Those pleading guilty to misdemeanors included:
* Jeff Prather, 33, of 1964 Ridge Road, Yazoo City — simpleassault. He was sentenced to six months suspended for two yearsgood behavior probation. He was also ordered to complete an angermanagement course.
* Jacqueline O. Towles, 41, of 2456 Busy Corner Road, Gloster –misdemeanor bad checks. She was sentenced to six months, suspendedfor two years good behavior probation, and ordered to pay a $100fine and full restitution.