Two drop out of county races
Published 6:00 am Friday, March 14, 2003
The field of candidates in two Lincoln County races narrowedthis week after two office-seekers requested that their names betaken off the ballot, said Circuit Clerk Terry Lynn Watkins.
Jason R. Case, the Lincoln County School District’sprevention-intervention program director, withdrew from theSuperintendent of Education race Thursday, Watkins said. Case saidhe was accepted into the Ph.D educational leadership program atJackson State University and would not have time to concentrate onstudies while also running for elected office.
“I needed to back out and work on that before tackling somethingthat big,” Case said. “I want to do the best I can at whatever I’mdoing.”
Case’s withdrawal leaves Terry Brister and Donald Case, both ofwhom are running as Democrats, as the race’s only candidates.Incumbent Superintendent Perry Miller is retiring at the end of histerm.
Both Brister and Donald Case, the school district’stransportation director, have Loyd Star connections. Brister isprincipal at Loyd Star Attendance Center while Case lives onHighway 550 in the community west of Brookhaven.
In other election activity, D.J. (Jeff) Fauver withdrew from therace for District 4 Supervisor. He did not cite a reason for hisaction, Watkins said.
Fauver’s withdrawal leaves incumbent W.D. “Doug” Moak andCharles Davis in the race. Both are running as Democrats and thereare no Republicans contenders.
The first party primaries are scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 5.Party primary runoffs, where necessary, will be held Tuesday, Aug.26.
Party primary winners will go on to face each other in thegeneral election on Tuesday, Nov. 4.