Filmmaker Moore looking after his wallet, not U.S. interests
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, September 7, 2004
Ah, the Republican Convention. Where better a place for ananti-war protesting millionaire to add to his coffers whilepontificating against those he says are seeking financial profitson the backs of our young men and women soldiers. Is this a greatcountry or what?
Michael Moore, director of the controversial film “Fahrenheit9/11,” at the invitation of USA TODAY newspaper covered theRepublican Convention as a “journalist” to write a series ofcolumns called “Crashing the Party.”
The editors of USA TODAY, of course, did the same during theDemocratic Convention, inviting fire-brand conservative columnistAnn Coulter to give her take. The relationship abruptly ended,however, over an editing dispute before her first column was everpublished. Conservative columnist Jonah Goldberg of the NationalReview replaced her.
Difference between Moore and Coulter/Goldberg? NeitherCoulter/Goldberg are peddling movie tickets.
Michael Moore apparently does not mind the editing in return forthe exposure, or maybe the editors of USA TODAY don’t mind theliberal slant of Moore as opposed to having a problem with theconservative slant of Coulter. Who knows?
After watching the fuzzy-faced Moore sitting in the presssection of the convention Tuesday night, obviously enjoying beingthe center of attention during a chorus of boos thrown hisdirection, I felt the need to read some of his observations. Theboos came following comments by Sen. John McCain during his keynotespeech in which he spoke of Moore’s disingenuosity as a filmdirector.
I will have to admit I have not seen his film – it has notappeared at Westbrook Cinema. After reading Moore’s Thursday columnin USA TODAY, I know I have not missed much. Moore is nothing morethan an opportunist looking to build his own persona while paddinghis pocketbook.
He uses the appearance of President Bush’s twin daughtersTuesday night to make the point that the president, while awonderful father, has little regard for the children of others thathe has sent in harm’s way – a villain whom mothers and fathersshould fear.
Comparing the president to a dogcatcher who could not catch awild dog after three years, Moore says the president’s inability tocatch Osama bin Laden after all this time should land the presidentthe same fate – jobless!
As in his film, Moore’s column theme is that the Iraqi War isnothing more than a bid for control of oil at the cost of the livesof young men and women sent overseas to “defend” America.
Michael Moore is an entrepreneur with the hopes, in the grandestof American traditions, of making a buck. He has made millionsstirring the emotions of a country distraught over an unpopularwar. Ever the opportunist, he has marketed himself into a householdname under the guise of a concerned citizen wanting to bring outthe truth.
One of the greatest freedoms this country has is the ability tospeak one’s mind without fear of retribution; unfortunately, it isopportunists such as Michael Moore who abuse that freedom for theirown good. One has to wonder how much longer we would have thatfreedom if we did not have leaders willing to tackle tough issuesand stand their ground in a world more interested in their owndestinies than ours.
We are in the middle of a political season, and all is fairgame. But hypocrites such as Moore should be exposed for just whatthey are – opportunists out to make a buck with little to offer tosolve the problem.
Write to Bill Jacobs at P.O. Box 551, Brookhaven, Miss.39602, or send e-mail to