Bogue Chitto hosts jamboree Thursday
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, May 10, 2006
BOGUE CHITTO — The Bogue Chitto football jamboree will be heldThursday night at Troy Smith Field. Joining Bogue Chitto are teamsfrom West Lincoln, Enterprise, Wesson, Dexter and Salem.
Games begin at 4:30 p.m. and finish with the final series at8:30. Both ends of the football field will be usedsimultaneously.
Each game will be 30 minutes long. The varsity will play 10minutes on offense and 10 on defense. The junior varsity plays for5 minutes on offense then defense.
The play will start from the 40-yard line on both ends. The willreturn to the 40 after a touchdown, turnover or turnover ondowns.
At 4:30, Salem meets Dexter on the East end and Bogue Chittohosts Wesson on the West end to kick off the jamboree.
There will be a 30-minute break between the 6 and 7 games.