IHL needs to put students on first base
Published 5:00 am Friday, May 19, 2006
Dear editor,
If (Institutions of Higher Learning) would drop theAbbott-and-Costello approach to budgeting, taxpayers could seewho’s on first base. It’s not our high school graduates – way toofew ever make it to first base at a four-year institution and manyof those who do end up striking out before they earn a degree.
So, who’s on first? It’s the executive office of the Board ofTrustees and “designated institutes, laboratories, and programs”all funded through what is known as the appropriation to IHL for”general support-consolidated-subsidiary.”
In 2002, $13,970,207 state General Fund dollars were separatelyappropriated to IHL for subsidiary support.
The $23,111,181 state dollars appropriated in 2006 amounts to -grab your cap – a whopping 65 percent increase in just four yearswith no associated increase in the return on this investment. Infact, over the four-year period, there was a decrease in therelated appropriation of state Special Fund dollars, indicating areduced return on the $13,970,207 appropriated in 2002.
Over the same four years, my subsidiary got consolidated, too.He’s about to finish his freshman year at the university his sistergraduated from in 2002 and it’s costing twice as much for half asmuch, if that.
IHL needs to retire some of its subsidiaries, send those thatattract enough Special Fund dollars to be self-supporting to thebullpen and put its money where its mission is – education.
I’m willing to go to bat for my child, but I’m not willing tosacrifice my future or his to subsidize a $9,140,974 increase forthe subsidiaries of IHL. It’s time for IHL to play ball with thetaxpayers of this state and put high school graduates on first basewith enough support to make sure they score a college degree.
Jane Boykin,
Tuition Paying Parent
President, Mississippi Forum on Children &Families