LEADER inside pages get new look
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Beginning today, several inside pages of The DAILY LEADER willlook a little different as the newspaper takes another step in anongoing effort to redesign and improve its editorial offerings toreaders.
Obituaries and area briefs, along with arrests reports, aremoving from page 3 to page 5. The moves are designed to accommodateinclusion on days when both popular parts of the paper arelengthy.
Stories from page 1 will continue to jump to page 3, which isgetting two new listings that we hope will be of interest toreaders.
One of the new listings will be “Names in the News,” whichincludes informational tidbits on actors, musicians and otherentertainers. Also coming to page 3 will be “What’s Going On?,” abrief news item or two featuring humorous, odd or interestinghappenings from communities across the county or around theglobe.
The entertainment page, which will regularly be found on page 6,will look different with the addition of a daily Sudoku puzzle, anew and popular fun game involving numbers and logic. The puzzleswill increase in difficultly throughout the week, with Monday beingthe easiest and Sunday the most difficult.
The Sudoku puzzles are being run on a two-week trial basis. Ifyou enjoy the games, we encourage you to submit a brief positivefeedback message by calling us at 601-833-6961 or e-mailing us atevents@dailyleader.com.
Sports will now begin on page 7 on a regular basis. Sports onSundays will continue to have a stand-alone section.