Shooting erupts at trailer park
Published 5:00 am Thursday, April 26, 2007
MONTICELLO – Six men and one woman are in custody today on avariety of charges following a shooting at a Monticello trailerpark late Wednesday afternoon, authorities said.
Four trailer homes and three vehicles were struck as the menexchanged approximately 15-20 shots, but no one was injured in theshootings, said Monticello Police Officer Scott Stormo.
Lawrence County Sheriff Joel Thames said officers and deputiesresponded within a minute to a 911 call around 5 p.m.
“We pulled in and everyone was screaming and pointing that theyhad just left,” Thames said.
Officer Christian Davis had passed a Chevrolet Lumina whileresponding and learned the vehicle had been involved in theincident. He gave chase while deputies secured the scene and workedto determine what had happened, Stormo said.
Davis said he chased the Lumina along Highway 84 West until thevehicle turned in behind Rod Paige Middle School. As it traveleddown Nola Road, a passenger with a handgun jumped from the vehicleand fled into the woods.
The car was stopped about 100 yards later. Davis said hearrested Lavar Walls, 24, of 521 Ras Case Road, Monticello, andJamar Walls, 28, of 1578 Nola Road, Monticello, on charges ofdisorderly conduct.
Police have identified the third man and a warrant has beenissued for his arrest.
“This was retaliation for an event that occurred over theweekend,” Davis said.
The occupants of a gray Ford LTD saw the Wallses in town andfollowed them to the trailer park, he said.
“They got out of the vehicle and started shooting. Shots werefired both ways,” Stormo said.
Officers have identified the occupants of the LTD and warrantswould be signed for their arrest today, Stormo said.
Charles Taylor, 31, of 2222 Old Highway 27 N.; Tommy E. Taylor,19, of 2222 Old Highway 27 N.; Freddie Lee Johnson, 30, of 2224 OldHighway 27 N.; and Stacy Taylor, 31, of 242 Mt. Olive Road, all ofMonticello; were arrested at the scene. Charles Taylor and Johnsonwere charged with displaying a firearm while Stacy Taylor wascharged with disturbing the peace, Stormo said.
Tommy Taylor was held for questioning, but was released thismorning, Stormo said.
Those arrested at the scene were not believed to be involved inthe actual shooting, Stormo said, but were involved with thealtercation at the trailer park and the weekend incident.
Two more suspects were arrested this morning and a handgun wasrecovered, Stormo said.
The suspects were being booked at press time and theiridentities were unavailable.
Other charges against the suspects are possible as aninvestigation progresses, authorities said.