Supervisors mull creation of historical society
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Supervisors briefly discussed a suggestion to create a LincolnCounty historical society during a Monday board meeting.
District Four Supervisor Doug Moak said he had been approachedby Dr. Jack Tindall, a retired dentist and local historyenthusiast, about the idea.
“I think it would be something worthwhile for us to look into,”Moak said. “There is a lot of historical interest in the county,especially with birthday celebration next year.”
The committee could be composed of a volunteer from eachdistrict appointed by the supervisor, Moak said.
Committee members could even possibly be placed in charge of acounty museum featuring unique and representative items of thecounty’s past, he said. Lawrence County, he said, has a “very nice”museum in Monticello celebrating the county’s history.
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