BHS leaders Chapman, Ogden eye retirement
Published 5:00 am Thursday, March 27, 2008
Brookhaven High School will be looking for new leadership afterTuesday night’s retirement announcements from the school’s top twoofficials.
BHS Principal Susan Chapman and Assistant Principal John Ogden’sletters of retirement were accepted by the Brookhaven School Boardat Tuesday night’s meeting in executive session.
Chapman has been with the school district in varying capacitiesfor 32 years as a teacher, a principal and other administrativepositions.
Ogden said that he was just grateful for his 23 years with theschool district, and that he has had a wonderful experience inevery capacity in which he served.
“I’ve enjoyed my years with the Brookhaven School District,working with all the many fine people,” he said. “I just appreciatethe school district giving me and my wife our jobs, and alsoeducating our children.”
Being an influence in the lives of so many people has made areal impact on both Chapman and Ogden, they said, and has been themain perk of the job.
“Just getting to know the children and their parents has beenthe best part,” Chapman said. “Not to mention the really goodfriends you make that you teach with.”
Ogden agreed.
“Just seeing the children be successful in school and life hasbeen the best part,” he said.
Chapman said her retirement comes at a time that her workloadhad become all-consuming. She said extracurriculars, especially theones that take place at night, had begun to be a large part of herschedule.
“As I have gotten older, the duty that goes along with being thehigh school principal, such as ballgames and programs, that sort ofthing, have become taxing with as many extracurriculars as wehave,” she said.
There has not been a time since Chapman was in eighth grade thatshe hasn’t had a job, she said, so she’s looking forward to sometime to herself.
“When the word ‘occupation’ shows up on something I have to fillout, I have never been able to just say, ‘housewife,'” she said. “Ilook forward to that.”
Chapman also has a grandson who is 18 months old and anticipatesspending time with him as well.
“I’d like to take some time to get to know my grandson,” shesaid.
In her time with the Brookhaven School District, Chapman servedas a seventh English teacher at Lipsey School, assistant principalat Alexander Junior High school and assistant principal, vocationaldirector and principal at Brookhaven High School.
Ogden said he has served as a coach, teacher, bus driver andadministrator during his years with the school district.