Panel OKs Guard center funds
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A Monticello National Guard Readiness Center moved a step closerto reality Tuesday after facility funding was included in anappropriations bill approved by the Senate AppropriationsCommittee, said U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran, R-Miss.
The measure includes $14.3 million to construct a new facilityto provide adequate space to support Army National Guard readinessand training. The Monticello facility was among four militaryconstruction projects totaling $50.2 million in Mississippi.
“This measure will support projects that will buttress trainingfacilities for our men and women in uniform, including those whoserve in the Guard and Reserves,” said Cochran, the rankingRepublican on the Senate Appropriations Committee. “It alsoprovides funds to support the medical, educational and otherbenefit commitments we’ve made to our veterans.”
The FY2010 Military Construction and Veterans’ AffairsAppropriations Bill will now move on for consideration by the fullSenate, Cochran said.