Authorities make arrests in store burglaries
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Three Lincoln County men have been arrested over the last twodays in connection with two burglaries at Case’s Grocery,authorities said Tuesday.
Sheriff Steve Rushing said Ricky Thompson, 45, Billy Thompson,17, and Kevin White, 35, all of 545 Derrick St., were arrestedMonday and Tuesday on two charges of burglary each after a break-inat the store in the Loyd Star community.
Rushing said as his investigators talked to the men about theburglary, which took place last week, they also indicated that theyhad done it before at some point in July.
“Once we got them in here, we discovered the second burglary,”Rushing said.
Rushing said the suspects allegedly had stolen cigarettes bothtimes.
“In this case we got a tip that led to the arrests,” Rushingsaid.
Rushing said his department always welcomes tips from members ofthe community whenever anything that looks suspicious is going on.He said even if something seems just a little out of place in yourneighborhood, it’s worth taking notice.
“It’s important for people to keep an eye on their neighbors,because we’ve had some day burglaries here lately,” he said. “Ifyou notice strange people or vehicles in your neighborhood, takenote of them, because it helps us track down suspects.”
Jail officials said all three men were still in jail Wednesdaymorning. Billy Thompson, though only 17, is charged as an adultsince the crime is a felony.
Crime tips can be phoned in to the Lincoln County Sheriff’sDepartment at 601-833-5231 or to Lincoln County Crimestoppers at601-823-0150.