Currie undeterred by Ariz. immigration ruling
Published 6:44 pm Thursday, July 29, 2010
A local legislator hoping to bring Arizona’s embattled illegalimmigration rules to Mississippi next year is disappointed butundaunted by a federal judge’s ruling against the lawWednesday.
And District 92 Rep. Becky Currie, R-Brookhaven, has no plans toamend her own copycat version of the bill in the House next year.She said she would leave her illegal immigration bill unchanged fornow, counting on the U.S. Supreme Court and powerful public opinionto force a settlement on states’ rights to enforce immigrationlaws.
“I’m not going to change it at all,” she said Thursday. “We don’tgo in until January and this law wouldn’t take effect until Julynext year at the earliest. I hope this will be over by then.Arizona is in turmoil, and I have to believe they’ll come up withan answer for them.”
Currie went on to question the judge’s reasoning.
“All Arizona was trying to do was enforce federal law by making itstate law. I’m very confused how it could be unconstitutional,” shesaid.
The Brookhaven lawmaker also grew angry over the judge’s rulingagainst the Arizona law’s requirement that police ask forcitizenship documentation from suspected illegal immigrants.
“When I’m pulled over by a police officer, I’m asked foridentification,” Currie said. “What they’re saying is an illegalalien has more rights than I do as an American citizen.”
Currie is also confident other states will attempt Arizona-likeillegal immigration reform when their legislatures go back insession.
“I believe you’ll see legislation in every state during their nextsessions. Is the Obama administration going to go to court everytime?” she said. “The majority of the population wants this bill.They want it for Arizona, and they want it to go across the land.We’ve got to let the government know we the people want this andthey work for us.”