Karmacharya elected to state leadership post
Published 6:00 pm Friday, October 21, 2011
Brookhaven School District SuperintendentDr. Lisa Karmacharya has been elected by her peers in education toa leadership role in a statewide education group.
Karmacharya was elected vice-president of the MississippiAssociation of School Administrators (MASA) at its LeadershipConference this week.
“It’s good for the district,” Karmacharya said. “I’ll have accessto information on what’s changing. It helps me stay abreast ofwhat’s happening.”
The election entails a three-year commitment. Karmacharya willserve as vice-present for a year, president-elect the followingyear and then as president during the 2013-14 term.
MASA is an educational organization that supports and aidsprofessional development for teachers, Karmacharya said.
MASA’s website lists among the organization’s objectives”initiat(ing) programs of improvement in educational procedures”and “promot(ing) and provid(ing) leadership for improvement andadvancement of public education.”
Membership in MASA is not limited to superintendents but to allschool administrators, such as principals.
The election to the vice-presidency is effective immediately. Asvice-president she will serve on the organization’s executiveboard, help plan the group’s conferences and help generate ideasfor professional development.
When president-elect, Karmacharya will aid the president. Once shebecomes the president, she will preside over the state conferenceand will serve as a state representative to the AmericanAssociation of School Administrators.
Involvement with MASA is not new for Karmacharya.
She previously served as a liaison from the Mississippi Associationof Federal Education Program Directors to MASA. That post placedher on MASA’s board at large, though not its executive board.
It was also a post she had to give up when she becamesuperintendent of the Brookhaven district since she then ceased tobecome a federal program director.
Karmacharya learned of her nomination for the position by theexecutive committee six weeks ago, but she did have on opponent andso she has been waiting those six weeks to how the election wouldturn out.
The election occurred Tuesday, with MASA members present at thetwo-day conference voting.
Karmacharya said she was excited about the new position because ofthe opportunities it will provide her. She will be able to furtherher own professional development and aid the development ofeducators throughout the state.