Panther Diamond Club eyes more stadium fun
Published 7:35 pm Thursday, February 2, 2012
The Brookhaven High School Diamond Club hasbig plans for the 2012 season.
Looking to create an atmosphere similar to a minor league game, theclub tossed around ideas during their Wednesday eveningmeeting.
“We want to make things more exciting for the team and it’s alwaysmore fun when you have more people at the game,” said Diamond Clubpresident Shannon Clark.
Plans include singing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” in the middleof the third inning, having balloons lining the fences for ajamboree on Feb. 18 and for all district home games, and havingroster printouts and “game within the game” scoring sheets at allhome games.
Brookhaven baseball is scheduled to receive a new field house afterthe 2012 season.
“We have a lot of excitement here with the new field house, whichwill begin to be built after the season and will be ready for the2013 season,” said Clark.
Clark said BHS baseball has signs for sale that will be placed onthe backside of the stadium bleachers and pressbox instead of theoutfield fence so they’re visible anytime to anyone passing by thestadium.
On Feb. 11 there will be a red beans and rice fundraiser at LipseyMiddle School from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tickets can be purchased from any BHSbaseball player.
Also on Feb. 11 BHS players will participate in a hit-a-thon toraise funds for the program.
“We’re going to try to get someone from Brookhaven Schools CentralOffice to throw out the first pitch for the jamboree,” saidClark.
Panther baseball starts their season with a home jamboree on Feb.18 with Clinton, Vicksburg, and Lawrence County high schools.