Sen. Jason Barrett introduces bills to fund Lincoln County infrastructure projects
Published 12:14 pm Friday, March 1, 2024
JACKSON — Lincoln County Sen. Jason Barret introduced a general funding bill for Lincoln County and Brookhaven Infrastructure projects Thursday. The bills were referred to the Senate Committee for Appropriations.
Senate Bill 2958 would allocate $42,766,290 in funds for infrastructure projects in Fiscal Year 2025, July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. According to the bill, $500,000 would go towards the HVAC project at the Lincoln County Courthouse. $750,000 is earmarked for repair costs at the courthouse.
SB2958 provides $500,000 for repairs and renovations for the new E911 facility. Road projects will also get attention. The bill states $12,266,290 will go towards paving, constructing or repairing of Auburn Road to Chip Mill, Industrial Park Road and Union Street, China Grove Road, Jackson Liberty Road, Fern Lane, Heucks Retreat and Lake Lincoln Road.
Under the legislation, $28,750,000 would go towards bridge repair and construction projects.
City and hamlet projects
Senate Bill 2961, introduced by Barrett Thursday, would provide $150,000 for Bogue Chitto infrastructure projects in FY2025. Under its hamlet status, Bogue Chitto could use a percentage of sales tax revenue for infrastructure work.
Brookhaven would receive $8,700,000 under Senate Bill 2962 for infrastructure projects. The bill states $4 million would go towards the construction, design, widening and resurfacing of Brookway Boulevard.
The bill allocates $1 million to improvements of the wastewater treatment plant and $1 million would go towards extending sewage service to unserved city residents. An additional $1 million would go towards rehabbing the existing sewage system.
Under SB2962, $500,000 would upgrade the Brignall water well, $750,000 would go towards a Class 1 Rubbish pit, $250,000 would go towards constructing and equipping a new animal shelter and 200,000 would go towards improvements of the lagoon at the wastewater treatment plant including the dredging of sludge and installing a new solar powered algae eliminator.