Hall of Fame tribute to Jack Case

Published 3:00 am Sunday, June 15, 2014

DAILY LEADER / MARTY ALBRIGHT / West Lincoln's legendary coach Jack Case will be inducted into the Mississippi Association of Coaches Hall of Fame, Friday June 27.

DAILY LEADER / MARTY ALBRIGHT / West Lincoln’s legendary coach Jack Case will be inducted into the Mississippi Association of Coaches Hall of Fame, Friday June 27.

People throughout Lincoln County and in other areas say they are thrilled to hear that Coach Jack Case is going to be inducted into the Mississippi Coaches Association’s Hall of Fame June 27.

There are several individuals that Coach Jack Case knows, helped or coached over the years that have voiced their opinion and shared their favorite memory for this joyous occasion.

The following are comments from a few players from West Lincoln’s 1981-1982 state championship team and other basketball team members from Jack’s era that felt honored to post a tribute to their beloved coach.

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Jason Case:  “Playing for my dad was a great experience. Through his influence, I became an overachiever on the court.

“He has taught me many lessons about life that still helps me today with life situations. I am very grateful that my dad left the coaching at the gym and was my dad at home.”

Jason’s most favorite memory playing for his Dad is winning back-to-back state championship in 1981 and 1982. Another great memory is when I played on the South All-Sate team and my Dad was the coach.

Mickey Myers:  “Coach Case was the prototype “Old School” coach! His philosophy made men out of boys producing extremely disciplined and well-conditioned teams. We lost some games, but rarely when we were leading at the end of the third quarter.

“I remember during study hall, the senior boys basketball players at West Lincoln were allowed to go to the gym to shoot. One morning after a loss attributed to our inability to convert at the charity stripe, Coach Case walked into the gym and asked what we were doing. I responded that we were practicing shooting free throws. Coach Case replied, “Y’all sure need to because it costs us the game last night.” He then said let me show you one more time how to do that. Coach began shooting and made 26 in a row right handed; then switched to his left hand and sank 19 consecutive attempts. He then flipped the ball to me and stated “That lesson’s free.’

“One of Coach Case’s most frequently used phrases was ‘you got to bow your neck.’ This philosophy and the tough love discipline he instilled in us continues to help me face adversity and was of great benefit to me during my wife’s (Karen) battle with cancer.”

Ted London:  “I have thought about some of the most memory times I have with playing for one of the great high school basketball coach ever to coach the game of basketball.

“Coach Jack Case being inducted in the high school basketball Hall of Fame, is a honor that is long over due. Every game that I have play in under Coach, from junior high to high school was great memories.

“My most memorable moment is when we won the first state title in school history. It is a feeling I have never forgotten. Coach Jack Case was the constant motivator. He made us believe that we could beat anybody at anytime and fear was not an option because he would tell us and I quote ‘They put their pants on one leg at a time just like you.’

“Some of the great quotes that coach would say: ‘Winners never quit, quitters never win,’ ‘Nobody don’t remember who came in second only who came in first,’ ‘Never brag on yourself on how good you are; leave that for other people to do,’ ‘In order to quit something you have to started something first.’ I could go on but those are the one that stuck with me and I never forgotten.

“I want to tell you about one memorable half time speech that I have ever heard. We were playing Brookhaven High School, and at half time we were losing. We were down 10 point at half time. Coach was in the locker room ripping us apart on how bad we were playing. He told me I have stunk up the gym. He said to Jeff Smith, you have laid an egg. He spoke to Jason you haven’t done anything. Once he got to Stacy Fell, coach told him and I quote ‘You have no rebounds and if I was as big and ugly as you are I would get every rebound.’ That is classic! When we came out of that locker room we was so pump and motivated, Brookhaven was in trouble. We went on and beat Brookhaven high school to win the game. That was memorable!”

Alton Smith:  “Coach Jack taught me everything I know about basketball and how to play the game. He showed us how to play the right way and stressed that every player had a role to play on our team. What he taught me as my coach has followed me in life.”

Julia Smith:  “Coach Jack’s rule was that all forwards must make 25 free throws in a row before leaving practice daily. No doubt this helped us win many games in the three years he coached me.”